Friday, May 28, 2010

End Of The Year

All together I have written 34 posts. Over all the post we've done there has been a little more than half that are school related. The others are my interests and what has been going on lately. I haven't had a whole lot of comments on my posts but I did have some. I had a total of eight comments and they were mostly my friends that say something. Most of my comments came from when I was talking about horses. Many of my friends have horses and we all them to death. They are the center of our world. I liked writing about Homecoming and being able to talk about where I live and my life in general. I enjoyed writing them then most because I love to write about things that are exciting in my life and having fun with the people I enjoy being around. It's a lot of fun to talk about what's happening in are little town of Seymour. I didn't really bother with changing my blog theme too much. I stayed with the same theme the whole year but I always messed with it to see what cool things I could come up with. I don't believe I had any widgets...sadly. I never really thought they would make my blog better. I probably should have had some on there for people to see but I didn't really take any interest in it. But it's the end of the year and I'm super excited for summer and I will probably still blog and keep everybody updated, because it's a lot of fun.