Climate change as been a major problem for the longest time now. It effects everyone and everything that is on the earth today. Some things that are happening because of it is, the polar bears are having trouble with survival, global warming is occuring. There has been long droughts and rising sea levels and chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. If we don't try to stop global warming polar bears will become extinct, less that 2% of the human population will survive, half the world will become flooded, there will be more freuqent hurricanes, and droughts in parts of the world. The earth as increased 1.8 degrees in the last 100 years. So what can we do to help prevent global warming? We can use compact fluorescent bulbs, inflate your tires, use recycled paper, check your waterheater, take shorter showers, buy products locally, buy energy certificates, carpool, buy a hybrid car, plant a tree, and reduce garbage. We can make a difference! So everyone take part in stopping climate change.
Chelsea, Remember to add a link to the BAD site at the bottom of your post.